Tuesday, February 14, 2012

George Bradt: Only Three Interview Questions

I've never been the sort of person to delve into self-help books, which won't surprise the folks who know me since they will already have noticed, but a good friend got me linked in to Linked-In a couple of years ago, and that site sends out weekly e-circulars with links to various articles, including some with tips on self-help.

I ignore those.

Or I usually do. But not this morning. The self-help link posted to the circular this morning claimed "Top Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions," and since I appreciate conciseness, I took the time to check out the article, which was an old one for Forbes (April 27, 2011) by George Bradt, and the three questions were placed at the opening of the article:
The only three true job interview questions are:

1. Can you do the job?
2. Will you love the job?
3. Can we tolerate working with you?

That's it. Those three. Think back, every question you've ever posed to others or had asked of you in a job interview is a subset of a deeper in-depth follow-up to one of these three key questions.

I've not had so many interviews, but from most of these, I recall only the first question, which probably means that I was oblivious to the other two. But I have learned the central importance of the latter two questions through my experience on the job. My weakness up until recent years had been number three. I used to be a bit irascible, more concerned with getting at the truth than with getting along. I've since learned the necessity of showing that one is both friendly and helpful. Those go a long way, and they're primarily a matter of attitude.

As for loving one's job, I've found that if I don't complain so much, but instead focus upon the good things about what I have to do, then I come to like my job.

If you click over to Bradt's article, you might want to scroll down to a two-minute video on making an interview effective through transparency by stopping the games and getting down to the three points.



At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That third one reminds me of something.

One day an employer called me in and said something like this, "You know JK, it might be really hard to make do without you - but we'd really like to try."


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

That hasn't yet happened to me, probably because I was never indispensable . . .

Jeffery Hodges

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At 3:19 AM, Anonymous George Bradt said...

We keep learning over and over again that the basics matter. Thanks for calling this out.

George Bradt
PrimeGenesis Executive Onboarding

At 5:09 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Thanks for visiting, Mr. Bradt. If I'd read your advice 35 years ago, my career might have been different.

Jeffery Hodges

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