Sunday, March 27, 2016

Charlie Jane Anders Reviews Mark Leyner's 'Contradundancy'

Charlie Jane Anders

Below this initial line of mine comes the introductory paragraph by Charlie Jane Anders in her review of Mark Leyner's Gone With the Mind (NYT, March 25, 2016):
An absurdist autobiography is either a contradiction in terms or a redundancy, depending on how you look at it. Either the purpose of an autobiography is to make sense of the writer's life, in which case absurdity would be a severe impediment -- or else life itself is absurd, and all autobiographies are too. In his new autobiographical novel, "Gone With the Mind," Mark Leyner seems to split the difference: He makes sense of his life by unpacking just how ridiculous it is to be alive.
"Ridiculous!" one might shout, and the subject-object of one's most intimate fear of nothingness doth vanish into nothingness, gone with the mind, that title-bound cap-W of Wend or Wined over-turned or over-wound -- so it's Sayonara, Cynara . . .

(For the overwhelmed among my readers, this blog entry is intended as a positive remark upon the positive review by Charlie Jane Anders of Mark Leyner's book.)



At 9:57 AM, Blogger Kevin Kim said...

I love Leyner's hilarious, ridiculous prose and often wish I could write the way he does. I highly recommend his novel Et tu, Babe? (fictional absurdist autobiography) and his story collection Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

I'll have a look.

Jeffery Hodges

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